MCN Services
Transform videos into valuable assets.
Protect Your Video Copyrights
By joining Euphoria’s YouTube Multi-Channel Network (MCN), you can gain access to the Video Content ID tool.
Think of it as YouTube scanning all videos uploaded to their platform, then flagging any re-uploads of your video assets.
You can then detect unauthorized use, and Video Content ID tool allows you to monetize them.

Exclusive Audio Library
Euphoria possesses an exclusive audio library for use in YouTube videos. That means they are copyright-free only for the YouTube channels within our MCN.
No more worries about the sudden copyright claims, or video demonetization due to music usage.
Say goodbye to everyone-using BGM. With access to more choices of BGM, you can make your videos more unique and engaging.

Cross-Channel Collaborations
Euphoria doesn’t just function as an MCN; we also aim to be a platform for connecting content creators.
Collaborations between creators often yield surprising and engaging content. Gain subscribers and increase video views together – a win-win situation.
Expand your channel with Euphoria, and also with the channels within our MCN.

Our MCN includes a wide variety of channels such as music, movies, vlogging, gaming, animation, pets, drawing, toy — really, just about anything you can think of!
At the end of every month!
For example, if it’s now the end of April, you would receive March’s revenue.
Yes, you certainly can!
If you manage multiple channels, we can compile a comprehensive report for all of them. It will include details such as the parties involved, channel URLs, revenue sharing splits for each channel, and the total revenue amount.
Yes, to protect both parties, a contract is required when joining Euphoria’s MCN.
The Euphoria Team will discuss and negotiate the contract terms and revenue sharing with you before any agreement is signed. We encourage you to share your thoughts and questions during this process! Apply now!

Related FAQ

Join Euphoria’s MCN right now and unlock a world of opportunities for your YouTube channel.